A flight attendant does a whole lot more than just graciously serve a multi course meal, however exceedingly well these responsibilities are carried out.
The primary job of the flight attendant is safety, which includes:
ensuring all onboard safety equipment is There, Secured, and Operational (T.S.O.); providing passengers with a safety briefing before departure; ensuring the cabin is ready for takeoff and landing; performing CPR at 45,000 feet on an unconscious passenger; aggressively finding and fighting a cabin fire; retrieving and deploying a 60-pound life raft after a ditching; evacuating all passengers and, potentially, even a couple of incapacitated pilots, and much, much more.
The flight attendant is a highly trained professional who, at an instant, is ready to switch from serving a nice cup of tea to yelling “BRACE, BRACE, BRACE.” Talk about a profession that demands the ability to switch between two vastly different, but essential, roles.
Please join me in expressing gratitude and the recognition these remarkable aviation professionals deserve.
To all flight attendants out there: a big THANK YOU for keeping everyone safe!